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Kristian H. Haugen

PhD student at UiT the Arctic University of Tromsø

Topic: Spatial Variation in School Performance in Norway

Keywords: Spatial variation, school performance, policy


The paper will investigate the spatial variation in school performance in Norway. The spatial variation and patterns in school performance is important in the light of spatial inequality due to the consequences the place one is raised could have on individual pupils and their performance at school. The location one is raised is largely out of the control of the pupil. If it is systematic variation in performance at school based on the goegrapical location, the context one is raised could impact the results of individuals, in a positive or negative manner. The results one achieve in school will impact the opportunities of eduation at later stages, and with that the opportunity for work.

The investigation will be based on publically open data on all lower secondary schools in Norway in the years 2008-2018. The first objective is to investigate the spatial variation and patterns of this variation. It will also be investigated if certain factors have different effect on school performance depending on geografical location.

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