We have put together a number of exciting field trips that we believe will suit everyone. Read more about the field trips and when they start and end. On some of the trips, the buses run directly to Trondheim Airport, while others return to the conference hotel. We hope you will be pleased.
The field trip registration is closed.
No 1: Urban Farming and Sprawl – Land Conversion, Resistance and Community
Despite the strong protection by law of farmland, the city of Trondheim was allowed to convert 272 acres of high quality farmland as part of the area planning 2012-2024. The process of trying to protect the rest of the agricultural area under a “Green Line” ended with a police investigation following suspicion of interventions by developer interests into how the political decision-making proposal was designed.
This tour will visit two farms and an urban gardening initiative, which were part of this conflict in various ways.
No 2: Co-production of knowledge in practice
We will be visiting an agricultural college, combined with a bus sightseeing tour of farmland around Trondheim. This excursion will demonstrate how a location of knowledge activities is organized and how the partners work to improve agricultural knowledge and competence in the knowledge system between farmers, education, advisory services and research.
This network and site of co-production and dissemination of knowledge includes Skjetlein College (organic farm and study programs on nature, construction and building, technology and industrial production), the Green Knowledge Centre (agronomical education for adults, vocational school and courses for green production) and the Norwegian Agricultural Extension Service.
No 3: Hiking in Trondheim’s Peri-Urban Outdoors
On this excursion, we will be hiking to Geitfjellet, which is a small mountaintop with great views in the peri-urban outdoors – “Marka” - surrounding Trondheim. A short bus ride will take us to the start of the trail. Marka is a highly valued area and is used for outdoor activities such as hiking, skiing and mountain biking. We will arrange a packed lunch for all who participate. The hike will not be very physically demanding. You will need clothes suited for a half-day outdoors, as well as good shoes as the trail might be a little wet.
No 4: From urban community farming to modern pluriactive highland agriculture
This excursion starts at Medalhus farm where the farming couple has developed parts of their farmland for cooperative community farming. Urban dwellers interested in cultivating their own vegetables are invited to participate in a cultivation cooperative. We then head to the Hølonda community, visiting a pluriactive family farm with 15 cows. An additional income comes from farm animal pedicures. The lunch is served in the neighbouring converted sheep farm building, where we will also visit a “hunting and experience tower” with a sky bar at the top. Professor Reidar Almås will give a talk on the social changes in this upland hamlet.
No 5: Zero-emission farming and “The Golden Road”
Mære Agricultural School is an innovative and future-oriented educational center in the county of Trøndelag. The school generates knowledge for the transition to zero-emission and energy-providing farms and is a very attractive center for innovation and research.
After visiting Mære Agricultural School, we will travel to the municipality of Inderøy for a tour along “The Golden Road”, where we will visit one of 22 small businesses. The businesses are organized in a cooperative, where one of the main objectives is joint marketing and cooperation to create greater visibility - making Inderøy an attractive tourist destination. We are going to visit Inderøy Gårdsbryggeri, a farm brewery, where you will have the opportunity to taste local beer. Join us and enjoy the journey!
No 6: Contract Farming and Vertical Integration. The value chain of vegetables and potatoes in Norway
The peninsula of Frosta, in the Trondheim fjord, is referred to as the `vegetable garden of Trondheim` and is the perfect spot to get insight into contract farming and vertical integration of the value chain of vegetables and potatoes in Norway. Frosta is highly suitable for potato and vegetable production due to its soil and climate; 80 % of the area of this municipality is below 150 meters above sea level, and agriculture is a strong part of the common identity of its inhabitants.
The position of farmer organizations in the Norwegian food market has weakened through contract farming and increasing vertical integration of the food value chain.
The aim of this excursion is to get more insight into how the agricultural sector in this municipality operates, and what kind of possibilities and challenges individuals are facing.
No 7: Wind energy: green growth hopes and environmental/ indigenous despair at Fosen
On this excursion, we go by bus, crossing the fjord by ferry. We will be visiting one of the wind energy sites and meet with various actors linked to the wind energy development: representatives of the municipality and regional planning unit; the wind energy developers (Fosen Vind/Statkraft); and people from the Action Against Wind Energy Development. We will also visit one of the wind energy plants.
Fosen is a very scenic and varied area (“Norway in miniature”, with coastal areas, small mountains, forests and farmland), and we hope the trip will be interesting also due to the landscape we will be traveling through. We will have lunch at Kuringen Pier Hotel, with possibilities for a swim in the sea. It will be a long day, so we will bring food boxes in addition to the lunch. You are also welcome to bring your own snacks/drinks in addition.
BE AWARE LATE RETURN TO TRONDHEIM: 20.00 / 8 PM, and make sure you have a hotel room for the night, as there are no late connecting international flights, only national.