Topic: Rural youth’s job access after leaving agricultural education
Keywords: School-to-work transition; NEET; transitional labour market approach; Labour Force Survey; Germany.
This study applies the transitional labour market approach to give insights into rural NEET (Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training) trends in Germany with using Labour Force Survey (LFS). Whilst existing studies provide insight into school to work transition flows in urban and peri-urban regions, little is known about the rural youth labour flows from student to employment, unemployment and inactivity status. The main aim of this study is to provide overview of rural youth’s job access after leaving agricultural education in Germany. Our empirical analyses suggest that there are substantive differences in the agricultural education to employment flow (in agriculture sector) between female and male samples. In contrast to the male sample, very few percentages of female (that have agricultural education background) flow to a profession in agriculture sector. Contrary to our expectations, living in rural areas does not suggest a significant negative effect in accessing a job within a year period. For students graduating in fields such as agriculture and veterinary (including market-oriented, skilled agricultural workers, farmers, and fishers), a high percentage is employed relative to other studied disciplines.