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Liv Toril Pettersen

Nord University, Norway

Topic: Keeping it in the family» – ownership and succession in family business in fisheries and fish farming


The purpose of the paper is to highlight ownership and succession in family business in fisheries and fish farming in northern Norway the last decades. Fisheries in Norway, as in many other countries in Europe and in other parts of the world, have undergone great changes in recent decades, and processes of modernisation, globalisation, deregulation, and restructuring have taken place. Great changes in industrial conditions have had impacts on the organisation of the fishing- and fish farming businesses, from privately owned small-scale household-based production to larger shareholding companies. The household is no longer the productive unit, with some exceptions in small-scale fishing. However, family ownership is still important in both industries, and the family influences decisions of the business in different ways. The paper examines changes in ownership and succession in family business in both industries. I address the following questions: How do intergenerational changes take place, and how affect succession family business? The paper is based upon several qualitative studies conducted in Nordland county in Northern Norway during a period of 20 years.


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